Sowm and the Creation

First there was an ocean, a vast concourse of water that grew and stretched the bounds of all existence. The jharethil call it Norahaltath, which by interpretation is the Sea in the Void. There was no air, no land, no life; just the endless churning of a drowned universe.

Lakhi and the Dragon-kin

When the soul of Atiakha was rent in two, the daughter of the moon became two separate beings, the sister goddesses of the sea Lakhi and Maruma’e. Lakhi remained below and took the form of a titanic blue leviathan. Nesting in the heart of Mount Fayrlin, she rules the deepest waters and their inhabitants.

Class Option: Aberration Domain

There are few known gods whose influence extends beyond the territory of the four worlds. That alien abyss is the dominion of mad, twisted beings whose powers defy the fundamental assumptions of nature.

Class Option: Darkness Domain

When the sun sets, the priests of darkness venture into the night like living shadows. Their presence is not always felt as they call the Void forth, nor are their hidden altars seen by mortal eyes.

Background: Cultist

Sometime before adulthood, you got involved with an obscure religious sect that demands strict obedience. It may not be an evil group, but it is certainly secretive about its beliefs and practices. There are many unusual deities or ideals that you might embrace.