5th edition

Hundred Dungeons: The Wizard

Hundred Dungeons: The Wizard

Esoteric scholars and purveyors of forbidden magical mysteries, wizards represent the most studious and focused of spellcasters. Their search for the boundaries of possibility and the unearthing of lost knowledge frequently sends them into danger.

Even the most noble of wizards feels a pang of loss when secrets are hidden from them. The less compassionate of their colleagues dabble in even more dubious arts in the pursuit of arcane power.

Hundred Dungeons: The Warrior

Hundred Dungeons: The Warrior

Daring in exploits, warriors are skilled fighters and tacticians who lead others to greatness. Their courage, intuition, and discipline extend beyond the battlefield to the expedition, the court, and the communities they look after.

Whether hardened mercenaries, village officers, or jovial travelers, warriors are a symbol of the struggle for peace. They show others what’s worth fighting for.

Hundred Dungeons: The Rogue

Hundred Dungeons: The Rogue

Cunning tricksters and dirty fighters, rogues excel when they avoid confronting a challenge directly. If the odds can be bent in their favor with a little preparation or cheating, they snatch the chance. Some rogues work as thieves, others as trapfinders or hired killers. Whether out for blood or treasure, they all work best in the shadows.

Hundred Dungeons: The Druid

Hundred Dungeons: The Druid

Like the wild itself, druids can provide and protect — but that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous. Whisperers to trees and leaders of the hunting pack, their power is drawn from the primal magic of the land, both to defend life and to take it.

The rituals and customs of druids are varied. Most wield items symbolizing the raw, unspoiled might of the primal world. They change shape to live among the beasts, and tend to the needs of the wild like a living community.

Hundred Dungeons: The Cleric

Hundred Dungeons: The Cleric

Petitioners of the gods, faithful devotees who mediate between mortals and the cosmic realms, clerics live their faith by becoming emissaries of a grand design. Some seek to heal the world, others to break it in service to their ideals.

Whether humble caretakers, noble philosophers, or soldiers armed for holy war, clerics rise to become the image of that which they serve.