
Hundred Dungeons: The Wizard

Hundred Dungeons: The Wizard

Esoteric scholars and purveyors of forbidden magical mysteries, wizards represent the most studious and focused of spellcasters. Their search for the boundaries of possibility and the unearthing of lost knowledge frequently sends them into danger.

Even the most noble of wizards feels a pang of loss when secrets are hidden from them. The less compassionate of their colleagues dabble in even more dubious arts in the pursuit of arcane power.

Hundred Dungeons: The Ranger

Hundred Dungeons: The Ranger

Terror stalks the ancient wilds, and it is there that the ranger dares to tread. Through tireless days cutting trails and darkest nights fortifying against ambush, these hardy folk watch and prepare against forgotten threats lurking where only they dare to tread.

Rangers might be scouts and sentinels from settled lands, or perhaps hermits who prefer the lonely wilderness to the company of city folk. Whatever drives them, rangers are peerless explorers.

Hundred Dungeons: The Paladin

Hundred Dungeons: The Paladin

The world can be bleak and selfish, but oathbound Paladins stand for something greater than themselves. They may be devout knights, penitent sinners, or doomed zealots stepping into danger to prove their moral mettle and exemplify the tenets of their oath.

Paladins are primarily warriors of conscience. Loyalty transforms their faith into a source of divine power that enhances their combat abilities and empowers them to heal and defend their allies.

Hundred Dungeons: The Cleric

Hundred Dungeons: The Cleric

Petitioners of the gods, faithful devotees who mediate between mortals and the cosmic realms, clerics live their faith by becoming emissaries of a grand design. Some seek to heal the world, others to break it in service to their ideals.

Whether humble caretakers, noble philosophers, or soldiers armed for holy war, clerics rise to become the image of that which they serve.

Hundred Dungeons: The Acrobat

Hundred Dungeons: The Acrobat

The acrobat is a poised and limber figure, trained in body and mind to overcome physical obstacles with grace and endurance. An acrobat often uses their own body in place of gear, leaping where other adventurers run.

Whether they swing on the chandelier or meditate to balance energy and withstand incredible force, an acrobat’s true skill is in making the impossible look easy.